Our National phoneline is open Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm

Call 1300 24 23 22
Call 1300 24 23 22

Our National phoneline is open Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm

First Nations people are advised that this website may contain images, voices and videos of persons who may have passed.  All care has been taken to be culturally sensitive in relation to the nature of these topics.

For First Nations

Having a baby is a time of big change and challenges.  Just know, you’re not alone and there is help available from pregnancy until your baby turns 12 months.

ForWhen is a free national care-navigation phone line that connects new and expecting parents or carers to perinatal and infant mental health services and supports in your local area. 

Let’s walk the journey together to support and connect you to the services you may need. Call us for a yarn today.

ForWhen is brought to you by…

ForWhen Traditional Artwork

Artist:  Joy Makepeace

Language Group:  Kamilaroi and Murrawarri

Story:  This is a story of a new mum (family) and baby and their journey together through pregnancy and new parenthood.  Sometimes when our babies are born we have to navigate some complex circumstances, including making connections with essential mental health services.  Often it can be a very turbulent time and it may feel overwhelming, this is represented at the bottom of the painting with the dark and light grey swirling dots.  The rainbow in the background provides a vision of hope, inclusivity and understanding.  ForWhen ensures that you are surrounded and connected to services as necessary.  The seven stars in the sky will help guide you, look over you and support you while you navigate your way together to better mental health.   At the bottom of the painting the purple and green dots are very close together, intense and overwhelming, as you move towards the top of the painting the dots begin to space out, representing the release of the pressure and easing of concerns as you navigate your way to better mental health.

Step 1: Call us for a yarn

New or expecting parents/carers, concerned family members, or health professionals can call us for a yarn on 1300 24 23 22 9.00am – 4.30pm Monday – Friday to speak with a local navigator. You can have someone from your community or mob on the call with you for support.

Step 2: We’ll listen

Your local navigator is here to listen. Let’s yarn about the challenges you’re facing, how you’re feeling and we can work out together how to best help you.

Step 3: Navigate to services

Your navigator will help guide you to join the dots and connect you to the services and supports that are culturally safe and meet your needs.

Step 4: Get you connected

Then, they’ll connect you with the best support service to help get your mental health and wellbeing back on track.

Perhaps you may be feeling anxious about having a baby.  

Perhaps you are feeling depressed and can’t stop the tears from flowing.

Things to look out for:

  • Are you feeling anxious?
  • Are you feeling no good?
  • Are you feeling worried?
  • Do you have negative feelings about yourself or your family?
  • Are you feeling disconnected from bub?
  • Are you feeling disconnected from mob?
  • Are you having more down days than happy days?

You may have experienced this overwhelming feeling before with another pregnancy. ForWhen are here to support and yarn with you.

Click on the highlighted link to find out more: Aboriginal Mental Health and Wellbeing during the Perinatal Period.

Download Brochure
Download Parent Postcard
Download Health Professional Postcard

Are you or someone you know struggling? Yarn with us

Call ForWhen on 1300 24 23 22 for a yarn with someone who can connect you to support and care.
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ForWhen acknowledges the Aboriginal people of the many traditional lands and language groups of Australia. It acknowledges the wisdom of Aboriginal Elders both past and present and pays respect to Aboriginal communities of today.

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