Our National phoneline is open Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm

Call 1300 24 23 22
Call 1300 24 23 22

Our National phoneline is open Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm

Feedback and Complaints

At ForWhen we value all feedback from parents, their families, referring health professionals and the community.

We appreciate you taking to time to provide feedback on how we can improve our services.

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The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights outlines consumers’ rights to ask questions, provide feedback and make complaints about their health care.

In most cases, the best way to make a complaint about the services you received from ForWhen is to us directly. You can do this by completing the form below. All information provided is reviewed by the National Director ForWhen. If it is about a service we have referred you to, you may also like to provide your feedback to them.

Making a complaint can sometimes be difficult, but there are tips that can help consumers with this process. View the animation series here: Information about healthcare complaints | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

Feedback and Complaints

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If you select ‘Yes’ we may not be able to contact you to follow up your feedback.
What is your name?
Please note for anonymous enquiries, we may not be able to contact you to follow up your feedback.

If you prefer not to complain directly to ForWhen, or if you are not satisfied with their response, other organisations can help:

  • For privacy and/or security issues contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) HERE
  • For complaints against a health service, contact your State or Territory health complaints organisation HERE
  • For complaints against an individual registered health professional contact the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority (AHPRA) HERE

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ForWhen acknowledges the Aboriginal people of the many traditional lands and language groups of Australia. It acknowledges the wisdom of Aboriginal Elders both past and present and pays respect to Aboriginal communities of today.

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